The organization of our days will strongly depend, as you can imagine, on the weather. Nonetheless, we have a standard in mind, that goes as follows:
- morning
we wake up and have self-made breakfast onboard (coffee, tea, milk, bread, butter, jam/marmalade, ham, cheese, fruit… whatever we bought the last time we went grocery shopping); if we spent the night in port, we can go ashore and have a good espresso. After a briefing with our skippers, we get ready to set sail: participants move into the boat dedicated to the topic of their specific working group, which will not necessarily be the same where they sleep, and the fleet leaves towards the midday stop; while sailing, the discussion is ON.
- lunch:
we stop and drop the anchor in some nice and sheltered bay; we eat sandwiches (or cold rice, or panzanella, or schiacciata…) and fruit, either prepared onboard with fresh ingredients or delivered onboard readymade or prepared on the beach; we discuss and have fun until we are ready to sail again, towards the final destination of the day.
- afternoon :
we sail and discuss onboard, until we either drop the anchor again or moor in a marina. We go ashore, and start the talk-session: we have a projector and a portable electricity generator, so we can work everywhere. However, there will be light… so prepare your talk with slides that stay clear and readable also if it is not dark. You can also present your talk without slides, if you like/prefer.
- dinner:
we have dinner in restaurants on the beach or in the villages where we will be staying. These dinners are at your expenses: restaurants owners have been instructed so that the total amount will be equally distributed amongst the participants and each participant will get one receipt.
- evening: we walk and have fun, get back to our boats, and GOOD NIGHT

and back to the day after !